A virtual consultation brings me as a horticultural expert into your garden, using internet video access Zoom or Facetime, and your device.

We link up to take a trip around your gardenĀ  and as we go I can answer your pressing questions on design, garden pests or disease identification and organic treatments and a myriad of other issues you need inspiration with and advice for.

For example, you may have a query about pruning your fruit trees or weeping mulberries. I can guide you through the correct pruning techniques and correct cuts while you do it for the video. Or, if you are not sure what to plant where, we can look at solutions and suggestions for the right plant in that tricky spot. There are lots more options for you too. Its limited by your garden needs.

A virtual consultation is supported with notes and sketches to assist you in implementing the suggestions we discuss online.

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While I specialise in organic and productive gardens, I can also advise virtually on soil testing, pruning, pest and disease control that you need, or perhaps how to create an oasis in your backyard.

Most people find the short virtual consultations of 20 minutes sufficient to get started on their project, sort out their queries and enable them to feel confidant in the next steps.

Additional 20 minute time slots are possible to add to the consultation as you require.

To find out more and book your Virtual Garden Consultation, please email [email protected]


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